Saturday, August 22, 2020

I Love Science - World View Matters

 “I Love Science” - World View Matters

There is a theme today whereby one will exclaim, “I believe in science…” with the implication that they do not have time to believe in God because of their advanced understanding.  It is often accompanied with a dismissive tone of voice or other apparatus of condescension.  

Mankind has accomplished some pretty amazing things.  The recorded history of civilization’s advancement is breathtaking.  From the advent of the written language, with as many variations are there are people and geographic groups, to the instantaneous full-duplex communications between any places on this planet, or others, our accomplishments are staggering.  From the first nomads and their mud caked bare feet to our pressurized, autonomous suits that allow us to work in space (after strapping ourselves to rockets that blast us into orbit), the complexity to our modes of transport and the accompanying level of accomplishment cannot be understated.  It is almost understandable how one could be enamored, perhaps even intoxicated, with our accomplishments.  After all, we are the top of the food chain.  We are the alpha dogs.  We have opposable thumbs and have used them to harness silicon and electrons, putting massive amounts of technology into the hands of our people, allowing us to execute complex computer modeling, peering behind the curtain of some of the greatest mysteries of the known world.  What’s not to be impressed with?

Here's the rub.  With all our advances, all our discoveries and all our breakthroughs we are still just trying to figure out what has been known, in full, by the Creator since long before any Bangs, Big or otherwise, were popping off in history.  Our brightest minds, using the most powerful tools in the history of mankind, are still just pulling on the end of a piece of yarn that was designed, implemented and woven into the tapestry of all that is around us, both seen and unseen, from the beginning.  The haughty proclamations “I believe in science” to the exclusion of admitting God’s supremacy in all of it remind me, in some woefully inadequate way, of my son declaring that he is ‘the greatest ever’ after successfully putting 2 pieces together on a puzzle.  I am proud of him but am not ready to crown him king of all.  See, he found a pair of related pieces and was able to put them together.  But he only found what was already there.  And while not diminishing his role in pushing back the limits of our understanding; he is still very much just playing catch up to One that knows the end before the beginning began.  Should he continue to assemble the puzzle he would find more of the picture coming into view, more profound, more intricate and more beautiful that anything previously known.  Each new piece, each fresh view of the big picture, would lead him to a further appreciation for and realization of the beauty and complexity in the created world.  If he were truly wise, that appreciation would cause him to proclaim his adoration for the One who has been so many steps ahead of him and Who did works so far surpassing anything he could do.  

So, I love Science, but not simply for the sake of putting puzzle pieces together or pulling on strands of yarn.  I love science because it allows us to see more clearly those mysteries that were hidden in the beginning and are just now being made clear.  We have so far to go because, despite our advancements, we are still looking up and into an Intellect that far surpasses our own.  We are trying to push back the darkness of our own understanding.  We are chasing The Light, The Truth, The Life and we are doing it from the vantage point of dust and clay.  I do love science.  I have great hopes for the future as we piece it together.  My greatest hope is that, in doing that, we ‘accidentally’ touch the hand of the Creator as He slides another piece onto the table. 

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