Monday, February 27, 2017

Spring Gardens: Kids, Seeds, Dirt and Dreams

Last week we covered some of the lessons learned over our past 4 years of gardens.  This weekend we started our first round of seeds.  We are taking it slow as we intend to focus on doing a few crops well as opposed to flailing at a bunch.  The kids started 2 different kinds of tomato seeds and also some cantaloupe.  We intend to start them inside for the next 6 weeks or so, probably moving them into a larger container about a week and starting another batch then with those same small containers.

Here's the projected crop list, as of today:
- Tomatoes
- Cukes
- Cantaloupes
- Bell Peppers
- Pumpkins *
- Carrots
- Little brown rabbits **

A word of explanation about the *'s above.  First, my wife and I were stumped about what pumpkins are actually used for.  I mean, yeah, of course we know you let them rot on your porch until the neighborhood kids come by and smash them.  And we've also heard something about pies.  But no one in our family likes that kind of pie.  And the neighborhood kids have seen us slaughter goats and process them hanging from our clothes line so our house is sort of that last place they think to come for vandalism.  Basically this came down to the manner in which our youngest pronounces the word "pumpkmims".  Yup, I'll grow those just to hear him say that word a few more times.  And if they grow I'm sure we will find a use for them, even if they are just reactive rifle targets.

And about those little brown rabbits.  It turns out that all of my gardens, even the most decrepit ones, attract these voracious marauders in droves.  They wiped out last years entire strawberry plot over the course of about a week.  I cut my losses and soothed my feelings with the thoughts that strawberries can take a few years to produce but those rabbits only took 20 minutes on the grill.  More updates to come.

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